Meet Dr. Jonathan Vahue

Practicing for over 15 years in the Kalamazoo-Portage area, Dr. Jonathan Vahue first graduated from Western Michigan University in 1992 with a degree in chemistry.  He spent five years working for a local pharmaceutical firm as a drug and later a nutritional chemist. During this time, he suffered a serious neck injury in a sporting event. He experienced intense, sharp pain into both arms and could barely turn his head.

Medical consults found “no cause” for his symptoms, and only prescribed high doses of the very drugs he had worked on, which caused unpleasant side effects.  They never mentioned chiropractic.  He was no longer able to do the things he enjoyed and his life was deteriorating.

With little left to lose, he decided to see a chiropractor in Kalamazoo.  Dr. Vahue received his first series of adjustments in the summer of 1992. Within weeks, he rapidly improved and his quality of life returned.  To him, it was a miracle.

Jonathan decided then to stop working with toxic drugs and become a natural health chiropractor in Kalamazoo.  Dr. Vahue soon attended Palmer College of Chiropractic.  He and his wife raise three children which they love with all their hearts.  Dr. Vahue has office staff, massage therapists, other staff at his office and understands anyone who says it’s hard to find time to eat right and exercise.

Dr. Vahue was recently published in the Michigan Association of Chiropractors Journal for his article In the Absence of Malice, references are included below.

In Brief:

In an article published in the Michigan Association of Chiropractors Journal, Dr. Vahue outlines a new direction for our current debate on healthcare.  If our hope is to enhance the health of our citizens, cut costs, and not merely provide a platform for an immensely powerful industry to harvest profits from an unhealthy population, then these issues must be considered


  • Multivitamin use and Mortality: Watkins, M., Erickson, J., Thun, M., Mulinare, J., & Heath Jr, C. (2000). Multivitamin Use and Mortality in a Large Prospective Study. American Journal of Epidemiology152(2), 149-162.
  • Multivitamins Reduce Risk of Colon Cancer: Fuchs, C., Willett, W., Colditz, G., Hunter, D., Stampfer, M., Speizer, F., et al. (2002). The Influence of Folate and Multivitamin Use on the Familial Risk of Colan Cancer in Women.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention11(3), 227-234.
  • Multivitamin and Birth Defects: Botto, L., Erickson, J., Mulinare, J., Lynberg, M., & Liu, Y. (2002). Maternal Fever, Mulitivitamin Use, and Selected Birth Defects:Evidence of Interaction? Epidemiology13(4), 485-488.
  • Studies Supporting Chiropractic Reduces Health Care Costs
  • The Australian Study- Cost & Pain-Relief Effective with a Lower Chronicity Rate: Ebrall, P. (1992). Mechanical Low-Back Pain: A Comparison of Medical and Chiropractic Management Within the Victorian Work Care Scheme. Chiropractic Journal of Australia22, 47-53.
  • The Florida Study-Shorter Disability/Lower Costs/Lower Hospitalization Rates: Wolk, S. (1988). An Analysis of Florida Workers’ Compensation Medical Claims for Back Related Injuries. Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research.
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